Tham khảo Xesi_nitrat

  1. Bản mẫu:RubberBible62nd.
  3. Bản mẫu:Merck13th.
  4. E.-C. Koch: Special Materials in Pyrotechnics, Part II: Application of Caesium and Rubidium Compounds in Pyrotechnics. In: J. Pyrotech., 2002, 15, S. 9–24 (Abstract).
  5. C. W. Lohkamp: USP 3 733 223, The United States as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, USA, (1973)
  6. M. Weber DE 32 38 444, Pyrotechnische Fabrik F. Feistel GmbH & Co. KG, Göllheim, Germany, (1982)